I just wanted to let you know how Grace, my neice is doing. She has been allowed home for the weekend and I just had a call from my sister to say that she is doing really well. She is talking more and more each day and eating really well. She isn't able to walk yet but this seems more due to the fact that she is still quite weak rather than anything neurological. She has of course had a stroke and I think there are bound to be a few problems associated with that but hopefully Grace is young enough to be able to work around those problems so that they don't affect her long term. Julie said there was a moment today when Grace was watching TV that it felt like it could of been back in November before the nightmare began. I am so happy for them all. I think we can all be very thankful that we live in a time when a child who gets that ill can make a recovery. Tommy's and GOSH we owe you.