It has come to my attention that this blog isn't really about anything. It was going to be a photojournal but I never seem to have the time to take many photos so it has just become a very infrequent and probably rather boring diary. I have to admit that my life is somewhat like this at the moment, not boring as such but definately lacking in direction. I seem to be chronicly busy getting nothing done. So, time for a plan, I am good at making plans. The execution of said plan can be a bit woolly but I'll get to that later.
I have several 'jobs' all of which I do 'part time':
1. Mother to 2 year old. (I like to think I'm good at this.)
2. Housewife.( The house is a pigsty and we never have any clean clothes!)
3. Showjumper. (One week this is all I do then the next week I think I might give up. I can't make up my mind.)
4. Photographer. (I never seem to have the time for this but I'd love to do more.)
5. Fishkeeper. (I have six fish and an algae problem!)
There are also loads of things that I would like to have the time to do but haven't yet started. I'd like to get out in the garden and learn how to be a decent gardener, I'd like to make my own curtains and do some knitting and I'd like to do some ballet again. Oh, and at the moment I am really getting into cooking. I've been on a bit of a serious diet and now that I am starting to eat properly again I have a bit of a passion for food. I'm working my way through Jamie Oliver's new book. Yum!
I don't work as such, so I should be able to do all this shouldn't I? Maybe I just need better time management. Maybe I should just concentrate on one thing at a time. Maybe I should just give up on some of this for the moment.
So what is this blog about? Oh, I don't know.......I guess just me, off in Mandyworld, doing my Mandy thing. So, here's the plan, it's a diary, about all of this. Read it, don't read it, comment or not, I will continue to muddle my way through life.
You are very lucky to not to have to work 'as such' and I wish I had plans as grand as yours! I agree that the execution of your plans is a bit of a muddle but please rest assured that there are many of us who are in at least as much of a muddle and don't even have the time that you do to analyse whether we are in a muddle (I should caveat that by saying that I am very organised in my working life as sole in-house UK legal counsel for a large, successful business - just bigging myself up there)! I would also like to know about birds, keep fish (though I too was rubbish at this when I tried it before and got rather bored of flushing dead fish), get more into cooking (though I will when I am thinner like you) and take up photography. Keep muddling on - I love reading your funny diary when I remember! Love to J and the Munchkin
Your Sis
Posted by: Julie | 05/10/2007 at 10:47 AM